This page last changed on Aug 28, 2007 by azucker.
Grades 3-4
1. A metal pan of water is left on a counter. After a few days, there is less water in the pan. What most likely happened?
A. Some water became part of the pan.
B. Movement of the air pulled water out of the pan.
C. Some water turned into oxygen and hydrogen
D. Some water went into the air as a gas.
E. Some water no longer exists.
ACTUAL: 56% CORRECT (source: MOSART, K-4)
2. Where does water in a lake get most of its energy to evaporate?
A. The sun heating the lake
B. Green plants living in the lake
C. Streams entering the lake
D. Cold springs under the lake
ACTUAL: 71% CORRECT (source: NAEP, gr 4)
2a. Explain your answer to question 2:
My reason is _________________________________
3. If you breathe on a mirror, part of the mirror clouds up. What are you actually seeing when you see the mirror cloud up?
A. Water droplets that formed from cooled water vapor in your breath
B. Carbon dioxide that you are breathing out from your lungs
C. Oxygen that you are breathing out from your lungs
D. Cooled nitrogen in the air around you
ACTUAL: 37% CORRECT (source: NAEP, gr 4)
4. If you were flying inside a puffy looking cloud, you would see:
A. Smoke
B. Fog
C. Dust
D. Cotton
E. All of the above are possible
ACTUAL: 72% CORRECT (source: MOSART, EarthSci gr 5-8)
Grades 5-6
1. Which is an example of water condensing?
A. A puddle disappearing on a hot summer afternoon
B. Sweat forming on your forehead after you do a lot of exercise
C. Ice cubes melting when you put them out in the sun
D. Dew forming on plants during a cold night
ACTUAL: 19% CORRECT (source: NAEP, gr 4)
1a. Explain your answer to question 1:
My reason is ___________________________
2. On a hot day, Paul left a glass of ice water outside. After awhile, the outside of the glass was wet because:
A. The water in the glass seeped through the glass
B. The ice in the glass became the water on the outside
C. The water in the air became cooler and became liquid
D. The ice in the glass melted and overflowed
E. No one knows why the glass is wet
ACTUAL: 34% CORRECT (source: MOSART, K-4)
3. Which of the following is not part of the water cycle?
A. Snow falling from clouds
B. Water evaporating from the ocean
C. Water absorbed by plants
D. Water in the ground
E. All of the above are part of the water cycle
ACTUAL: 43% CORRECT (source: MOSART, ES gr 5-8)
3a. Explain your answer to question 3:
My reason is ____________________________
4. Refer to the picture of the water cycle. At point 1 in the picture, what process in the water cycle is taking place?
A. Condensation
B. Precipitation
C. Run-off
D. Evaporation
ACTUAL: ?? (source: FOSS); 50% ??
